Dear Statalist Users,

Good morning. I have two quick questions to ask you :
  1. How can we add some confidence intervals to the graph bar or graph hbar type please? I have made a hbar graph type, but I don't know how I can put the corresponding 95% CI here. Please check below.
  2. How can we reduce the size of the blue-navy part of the graph below, and thus increase the space for the "real" graph, please?
      graph hbar (mean) belage13 [pw = k_gewicht]             ///                      
      ,over(restricted_field) over(bachelor_hes) nofill       ///        
      blabel(bar,position(outside) size(tiny) format(%15.2f)) ///
Array ​​​​​​​

Thank you in advance for your answer and help.


Michael Duarte Gonçalves