Hello all! For a research investigation of mine, I wish to estimate two-stage DEA-bootstrap regression using simarwilson command in Stata. My dataset consists of three output variables (named Oup1, Oup2, Oup3) , three input variables (named Exp1, Exp2, Exp3), three exogenous (or environmental) variables (named Exo1, Exo2, Exo3); all variables pertain to a single year for twenty-nine (29) DMUs. I want to use Algorithm 2 proposed by Simar and Wilson. For this reason, I wish to instruct the simarwilson command to calculate the radial efficiency scores internally. Following the syntax of the simarwilson command for the purpose, when I run simarwilson command with all necessary specifications, I get the error message that the command teradial is not recognised. Please tell where I am going wrong! For your kind perusal, I am copying below the contents from the result window after running the command.
. use "C:\Users\Vikas Dixit\Downloads\Stata-Exercise.dta"
. . simarwilson (Oup1 Oup2 Oup3 = Exp1 Exp2 Exp3) Exo1 Exo2 Exo3, alg(2) rts(v) base(o) tename(DEArdo) tebc(DEAbc) biaste(DEAb) reps(2000) bcreps(100)
command teradial is unrecognized
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