Dear all

I am estimating models with several interaction terms -categorical*continous and categorical*categorical- and I am presenting the results using outreg2.
For example,

logit DV i.gender##c.age i.gender##c.age_sq i.gender##education_sq i.gender##i.married i.gender##i.year
outreg2 using results.xls, replace eform    eq(auto)  nodepvar stats(coef pval) paren(pval) alpha(0.01, 0.05, 0.1) symbol(*** , ** , *) dec(3) pdec(3)
In the output file, outreg2 automatically also reports the omitted reference category, such that for example:
2006o.year#1b.gender 0.000
2006.year#2.gender 0.085
Reworking this manually is a bit of a pain, so I was wondering whether there was any way of directly omitting these (bold) reference categories?

Thank you very much in advance.
