I am trying to find the effect of schooling on mensuration methods from Indian context.These methods may include use of locally prepared napkins, cloths, sanitary napkins, tampons, etc.My dependent variable is mensuration methods during periods and independent variables are girls's own schooling and her mother's schooling. but the problem is that my data does not have income aspect which can affect schooling of the girl.
So, to control the income, I am using household fixed effect and district fixed effect which includes caste, religion, region, age and living standard. I want to know whether is it okay to consider these effects? Because as far as I know we use fixed effect in panel data. But my data is not panel. the year is include is only 2015.Please help me out in this.
Another doubt i have is that for mensuration methods, I am using 4 dummies.
Dummy =1, if sanitary napkins is used
Dummy =1 if sanitary napkins/ Local napkins is used
Dummy=1, if sanitary/ tampons is used
Dummy= if sanitary/ local napkins/ tampons is used.
I am confused, why my professor has asked me to create these dummy as my data is already in yes/ No format.
Please help me out in clarifying my doubt.