Dear Stata Users

I am trying to show how individuals move between a set of conditions or states over time. I think a sequence index plot should be able to visualize that.
HTML Code:
My data is the summary of different horse behaviour over time. There are 6 different behaviour classes, and 19 individuals. Every row accounts for a second, and each second there is a classified behaviour (between 1 and 6).

. separate begin, by(type) . separate end, by(type)
graph twoway > (rbar begin1 end1 id, horizontal) > (rbar begin2 end2 id, horizontal) > (rbar begin3 end3 id, horizontal) > (rbar begin4 end4 id, horizontal) > (rbar begin5 end5 id, horizontal) > , legend(order(1 "education" 2 "apprenticeship" > 3 "employment" 4 "unemployment" 5 "inactivity") > cols(1) pos(2) symxsize(5)) > xtitle("months") yla(, angle(h)) yscale(reverse)
This code has been used previously.

My data set
HorseID Time PredictedLF
1 15:06:57 1
1 15:06:58 1
1 15:06:59 5
1 15:07:00 5
1 15:07:01 2
1 15:07:02 4
1 15:07:03 4
2 09:38:10 4
2 09:38:11 2
2 09:38:12 3
2 09:38:13 3
2 09:38:14 4
2 09:38:15 4
2 09:38:16 4
2 09:38:17 2
2 09:38:18 4
2 09:38:19 6
2 09:38:20 6
2 09:38:21 6
separate  Time, by ( PredictedLF)
Which gave me 6 variables Time1 Time2 Time3 Time4 Time5 Time6
I then used this to get start and end times for each classified behaviour.

For example:
gen LFendLyingLF=1 if Time1~=. &(Time1 [_n+1] ==.)
However when I used the code from above it did not work.

graph twoway (rbar  LFStartLyingLF LFendLyingLF HorseID, horizontal)(rbar  LFStartStep LFendStep HorseID, horizontal)(rbar  LFStartPaw LFendPaw HorseID, horizontal)(rbar  LFStartStand LFendStand HorseID, horizontal)(rbar  LFStartWS LFendWS HorseID, horizontal)(rbar  LFStartLyingR LFendLyingR HorseID, horizontal),legend (order(1 "Lying Left" 2 "Step" 3 "Pawing ground" 4 "Standing" 5 "Weight shift" 6 "Lying Right") cols(1) pos(2) symxsize(6))
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thankyou for your time.
