Hi, is it not possible to create a scatter of a local variable? I'm evaluating the difference in the probabilities of Y btn men and women for a range of other variables. Through some loops I get a list of that, but when trying to plot it, I can't. Is not possible to make a scatter of a local?

This code is working (with it I get the mentioned list):

quietly {

logit pmvotegrp lrself male retnat income age edulevel

local maleA=0
local incomeA=3
local lrselfA=5
local edulevelA=3
local retnatA=3

local maleB=1
local incomeB=3
local lrselfB=5
local edulevelB=3
local retnatB=3

capture drop predA
capture drop predB

foreach nn of numlist 1/100 {

local ageA=`nn'
local ageB=`nn'

# delimit ;
local sysA=_b[_cons]+

local sysB=_b[_cons]+

local predA=exp(`sysA')/(1+exp(`sysA'));
local predB=exp(`sysB')/(1+exp(`sysB'));

# delimit cr

local diffBA=`predB'-`predA'

noisily: display in r "Case `nn' (Age `ageB'): `diffBA' "


When changing the noisily part for what follows, I get nothing:

noisily: twoway scatter `diffBA' age, msize(small) mcolor(red)
, name(dd_age, replace) legend(off)
title("Probability of voting PM's party, diff btn men and women", size(vsmall))
xtitle("Age") ytitle("Diff prob men and women")
xlabel(0(1)100,grid angle(45) labsize(vsmall))
ylabel(1(0.001)1,grid labsize(vsmall))

Even if just coding scatter `diffBA' age, I get nothing. Any advice?