Hi All -

I've been trying to query an ODBC (.accdb) file via Stata 16 on a Mac. (This is for a local file.)

- I've tried to follow these steps: https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/d...figuring-odbc/

- I've set up the data source using both ODBC manager and iODBC Adminstrator64. The latter program will test a connection, and reports that it is working.

- I've looked at the odbc.ini file in the /Library/ folder and set it to resemble the sample at the link above.

- odbc.ini looks like what follows (with filenames and paths removed, but they are correct in the actual file)

[ODBC Data Sources]
database_name = Actual Access

Driver  = /...path to driver.../ataccess.so
DBQ = /...path to data source .../filename.accdb
CacheResults = No
ConnectionType = Direct
Host = localhost
 odbc list
does not return the data source (this is despite a few restarts).

Is there another way to configure access to the file from within Stata itself?