Hi experts and researchers,
I am using interactive terms in my research and I need to understand how can I calculate marginal effect and standard errors after system GMM on STATA for Panel data
I am working on a Panel data model. I want to measure the marginal effect of the variable FDX on GDP ( continuous variables) and represent it on a graph with STATA. Here is the equation:
GDP = β1 FDX + β2 FDX2+ β3 INF + β4 INFVOL+ β5 FDX * INF + β6 FDX * INFVOL + β7 FDX2 * INF + β8 FDX2 * INFVOL + β9 INIGDPPC + β10 GOV + β11 GFCF + β12 TRD + β13 LBOR
by examining the partial derivative of GDP, as follows:
∂GDP/∂FDX = β1 + 2 β2 FDX + β5 INF + β6 INFVOL + 2 β7 FDX * INF + 2 β8 FDX * INFVOL
1- What is the xtabond2 command with marginal effect, and also I would like to know how can I get Mean, min and max values from the marginal effect, There is a specific command?
2- How can I represent the marginal effect of the variable FDX on GDP in a graph with STATA?
I would be very grateful for any help
Many Thanks
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