- While programming a dialog one can use an option numeric for the VARNAME dialog elements, which is not mentioned in the documentation, but is used extensively in Stata's base dialogs. I wonder whether this omission in the documentation is intentional (the option is undocumented in the sense of help undocumented) or unintentional (and will be fixed).
- The element VARNAME doesn't allow options onchange() and onselchange() present in other dialog controls. How can I program a reaction to the selection of a variable or a manual edit in this field (equivalent of onchange() for the EDIT elements)?
VARNAME vn_s 150 @ 100 ., option(vs) numeric default() onchange(program schanged) option onchange() not allowed r(198); VARNAME vn_s 150 @ 100 ., option(vs) numeric default() onselchange(program schanged) option onselchange() not allowed r(198);
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