Hello everyone,

For my thesis, I am aming on extracting country fixed effects on the perception of migrants. For that purpose, my supervisor instructed me to use the *xtreg* command.

As you can see below, when I use *tab cntry*, I have 20 countries including EE = Estonia:

But after using:
xtset cntry
xtrereg patm trstun trstep i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule imp_eco imp_cult lrscale ecoinsec i.hinctnta sex i.agebrack eduyrs highschool apprentice undergrad postgrad i.cntry, vce(robust)
I receive the following output for the country variables:

As you can see, EE = Estonia is not included anymore. Why is that?

I already tried removing vce(robust) or to replace it by vce(country = robust).

Interestingly, I am working with the data from the Eurobarometer. This is for ESS7 in 2014. I already did the same regression on ESS8 in 2016 and I did not have that issue.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!