Dear Statalist,

I am using Stata 14.2 with Windows 10. I have a logit model on partner acquisition in venture capital, the dependent variable being cooperation (binary, 1 if a partner was chosen and zero otherwise). My main variable of interest is PARTNER_equityinv (the dollar amount of a potential partner's equity invested over the last ten years), which I interacted with the variale PARTNER_local (binary, 1 if the partner is from the same nation and zero otherwise), the interaction term being P_equityinv_PARTNERlocal, and the full logit model includes several controls.
I would like to illustrate the effect of PARTNER_equityinv on the probability of cooperation, depending on whether or not the potential partner is local.
Therefore, I used the following code and created a marginsplot (attached below):
 logit COOPERATION PARTNER_equityinv PARTNER_local P_equityinv_PARTNERlocal //followed by control variables
             margins if PARTNER_local==1, at(PARTNER_equityinv==(0(500)15920)) dydx(PARTNER_local) vsquish level(95)
The plot I created shows the average marginal effects of PARTNER_equityinv on the probability of cooperation for PARTNER_local==1 (am I right?), and I would now like to create a plot that also has a second line for the effect of PARTNER_equityinv on the probability of cooperation for PARTNER_local==0, i.e. both cases in one plot, and possibly also show the frequency distribution of the variable PARTNER_equityinv in the background.

Is there any possibility of getting such a plot from Stata?

Thanks for your help!
Best regards