Hello everyone,

Could you please help me to present vignettes in a tabular format rather than a running text?

use setup, clear

gen phrase_A1 = "error"

    replace phrase_A1 = "male" if gender ==1
    replace phrase_A1 = "female" if gender ==2

gen phrase_A2 = "error" 
    replace phrase_A2 = "yes at the employer's premises" if experience_and_internship ==1
    replace phrase_A2 = "yes, but in a different firm" if experience_and_internship ==2
    replace phrase_A2 = "no" if experience_and_internship ==3

gen phrase_A3 ="error" 
    replace phrase_A3 ="Omani" if nationality == 1 
    replace phrase_A3 ="non-Omani" if nationality == 2 
gen phrase_A4 = "error"
    replace phrase_A4 = "leading university in Oman" if place_of_study ==1
    replace phrase_A4 = "non-leading university in Oman" if place_of_study ==2
    replace phrase_A4 = "leading university in Oman" if place_of_study ==3
    replace phrase_A4 = "non-leading university abroad" if place_of_study ==4
gen phrase_A5 = "error"
    replace phrase_A5 = "College Diploma" if level_of_education ==1
    replace phrase_A5 = "College Higher Diploma" if level_of_education ==2
    replace phrase_A5 = "Bachelor" if level_of_education ==3
    replace phrase_A5 = "masters" if level_of_education ==4
gen phrase_A6 = "error"
    replace phrase_A6 = "Engineering" if field_of_study ==1
    replace phrase_A6 = "Business and Management" if field_of_study ==2
    replace phrase_A6 = "Inforamtion and Technology" if field_of_study ==3
gen phrase_A7 = "error"
    replace phrase_A7 = "high" if grade ==1
    replace phrase_A7 = "fair" if grade ==2
    replace phrase_A7 = "low" if grade ==3
gen phrase_A8 = "error"
    replace phrase_A8 = "yes" if extra_curricular_activities ==1
    replace phrase_A8 = "no" if extra_curricular_activities ==2
gen phrase_A9 = "error"
    replace phrase_A9 = "yes by an exisiting employee" if referred ==1
    replace phrase_A9 = "yes through school-linkages" if referred ==2
    replace phrase_A9 = "no" if referred ==3

assert phrase_A1 ~= "error"  
assert phrase_A2 ~= "error"
assert phrase_A3 ~= "error"
assert phrase_A4 ~= "error"  
assert phrase_A5 ~= "error"
assert phrase_A6 ~= "error"
assert phrase_A7 ~= "error"  
assert phrase_A8 ~= "error"
assert phrase_A9 ~= "error"

gen vigA = phrase_A1 + phrase_A2 + phrase_A3 + phrase_A4 + phrase_A5 + phrase_A6 + phrase_A7 + phrase_A8 + phrase_A9
my data look like this:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float id_quest byte(vignr deck) float(id_vignette gender experience_and_internship field_of_study)
 1  1 11 105 1 2 1
 1  2 11 102 2 1 3
 1  3 11 109 2 2 2
 1  4 11 110 2 2 2
 1  5 11 108 1 1 3
 1  6 11 101 1 1 1
 1  7 11 104 2 3 2
 1  8 11 103 2 3 2
 1  9 11 107 1 2 3
 1 10 11 106 1 2 3
 2  1 13 125 1 2 1
 2  2 13 128 2 3 1
 2  3 13 130 1 2 2
 2  4 13 126 2 3 2
 2  5 13 129 2 3 1
 2  6 13 124 1 3 3
 2  7 13 121 2 3 1
 2  8 13 123 2 2 1
 2  9 13 127 1 2 1
 2 10 13 122 1 1 2
 3  1 19 184 1 2 1
 3  2 19 188 2 3 1
 3  3 19 181 1 3 2
 3  4 19 183 2 2 3
 3  5 19 189 2 1 1
 3  6 19 186 2 2 3
 3  7 19 182 2 2 1
 3  8 19 190 2 3 2
 3  9 19 185 2 1 1
 3 10 19 187 2 3 2
 4  1  4  40 1 3 2
 4  2  4  37 2 3 1
 4  3  4  35 2 1 1
 4  4  4  36 1 3 1
 4  5  4  39 1 3 1
 4  6  4  31 1 2 1
 4  7  4  32 1 3 3
 4  8  4  38 2 2 3
 4  9  4  33 1 3 3
 4 10  4  34 1 3 3
 5  1 12 111 1 1 3
 5  2 12 115 2 1 3
 5  3 12 117 1 2 3
 5  4 12 120 2 1 1
 5  5 12 116 1 1 3
 5  6 12 119 1 1 3
 5  7 12 113 1 1 3
 5  8 12 112 1 3 3
 5  9 12 118 1 2 2
 5 10 12 114 1 2 3
 6  1  5  41 1 3 2
 6  2  5  44 1 2 1
 6  3  5  43 2 1 2
 6  4  5  46 1 2 3
 6  5  5  42 2 2 1
 6  6  5  50 1 2 2
 6  7  5  48 1 1 2
 6  8  5  49 1 1 3
 6  9  5  47 2 2 2
 6 10  5  45 2 3 1
 7  1  7  69 1 2 2
 7  2  7  66 2 3 2
 7  3  7  63 2 3 1
 7  4  7  67 2 2 3
 7  5  7  64 2 3 2
 7  6  7  62 1 3 3
 7  7  7  70 1 1 1
 7  8  7  68 2 2 3
 7  9  7  65 1 3 3
 7 10  7  61 1 3 3
 8  1 17 165 1 2 1
 8  2 17 170 2 3 1
 8  3 17 167 1 3 1
 8  4 17 166 1 3 2
 8  5 17 168 2 2 2
 8  6 17 161 2 1 2
 8  7 17 163 1 1 1
 8  8 17 164 1 2 3
 8  9 17 169 1 3 3
 8 10 17 162 2 2 2
 9  1  8  75 1 2 1
 9  2  8  76 1 1 1
 9  3  8  73 2 1 1
 9  4  8  79 2 2 1
 9  5  8  72 2 3 2
 9  6  8  80 1 3 3
 9  7  8  71 2 3 3
 9  8  8  74 2 1 2
 9  9  8  77 1 1 2
 9 10  8  78 2 1 2
10  1 15 143 2 2 2
10  2 15 147 2 3 1
10  3 15 149 2 3 2
10  4 15 144 1 2 3
10  5 15 141 1 1 1
10  6 15 145 1 1 3
10  7 15 150 1 1 3
10  8 15 146 2 3 3
10  9 15 142 1 3 2
10 10 15 148 1 3 1
label values gender gender
label def gender 1 "male", modify
label def gender 2 "female", modify
label values experience_and_internship experience_and_internship
label def experience_and_internship 1 "yes at the employer's premises", modify
label def experience_and_internship 2 "yes, but in a different firm", modify
label def experience_and_internship 3 "no", modify
label values field_of_study field_of_study
label def field_of_study 1 "Engineering", modify
label def field_of_study 2 "Business and Management", modify
label def field_of_study 3 "Inforamtion and Technology", modify
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

I want a table like this:
table 1:
gender male
experience and internship no
field of study engineering