I am trying to export marginal effects output for mlogit into stata. the commands i used are as follows:

qui mlogit loan_source ib5.asset_class ib4.caste ib3.hh_type ib6.hh_head_educ i.year i.female_head i.irrigated_land ib21.state if rural == 1 & cultivator == 1 [pw = WEIGHT_SC], rrr cluster(Vill_Blk_) base(1)
margins, dydx(*) post
outreg2 using margins_AC.xls, cti("Loan Source for Farmers-By Asset-Class") label append

When i use the marginal effects command as given above, the result in excel is arranged in a wide format. ie all the variables that would normally appear in rows end up on the columns; so literally i have some 20 columns in the result output. Could someone advise how i can make them appear in the usual format, in the rows?