
I am trying to run the following the codes, but get the error message "factor variables and time-series operators not allowed". Steps one through three work, but at step four and five I get the error message.

(1) xtologit CSRRS_n PPE INTAN RND CH LEV ROA OI Growth NLCF CETR ln_employees i.DataYearFiscal, vce(robust)
est store r1
(2) xtologit CSRRS_n PPE INTAN RND CH LEV ROA OI Growth NLCF GETR ln_employees i.DataYearFiscal, vce(robust)
est store r2
(3) esttab r1 r2 using "Regression.rtf",
(4) replace stats(N chi2 p) b(3) aux(se 3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) obslast onecell nogaps
(5) compress title(Regressions) addnotes(p-levels are two-tailed, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01; the numbers within the round parentheses are robust standard errors.)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.