I have the following data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(y x1 x2 x3)
123 23  21 1
  1  2   4 0
123  1  23 1
123  3   . 0
123 21   1 1
  3  2 213 1
 23  3   1 0
 41  1   4 0
  3  2   3 1
  2  2  23 1
 13  3   1 0
 32  1   2 0

In the above, I wish to perform a regression of y1 on the X's, where I interact each of x1 and x2 with x3. As such, the model includes the main effect of x1 and x2, as well as the interaction effect with x3.

The command is straightforward:

regress y (x3)## (c.x1 c.x2)

The output comes out as expected. However, I wish to present these results in a regression table, using the command:

outtex, labels level detail legend key(stab)

The table is complicated, as the same column includes the effect of x1 and x2 on y, as well as the interaction effect. Is there any option where I can display the effect of x2 and x2 in one column, and place the interacted effect beside this column, in a separate one?

Many Thanks,