I am trying to perform mi imputation with bootstrap using following syntax:
1.mi set wide
2. program define myboot, rclass
3.mi register imputed varlist....
4.mi impute mvn varlist....., add( 187)
5. egen country1=group(country)
6. mi xtset country1 year,yearly
7. mi estimate: xtreg varlist.....
8. return scalar b_a = el(e(b_mi),1,1)
9. return scalar b_b = el(e(b_mi),1,2)
10. return scalar b_c = el(e(b_mi),1,3)
11. return scalar b_d = el(e(b_mi),1,4)
12. return scalar b_e = el(e(b_mi),1,5)
13. return scalar b_f = el(e(b_mi),1,6)
14. return scalar b_g = el(e(b_mi),1,7)
15. end
16. set seed 23543
17. bootstrap b_va1=r(b_a) b_var2=r(b_b) b_var3=r(b_c) b_var4=r(b_d) b_var5=r(b_e) b_var6=r(b_f) intercept=r(b_g), reps(2000) : myboot
I am facing following problem after execution:
Bootstrap replications (2000)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors
no results will be saved
Please guide
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