I am trying to make a comparison similar to that in Columns 1 and 2 of Table 6 in the paper http://www.ericzwick.com/stimulus/stimulus.pdf, which I have reproduced here:
I am running the separate models using the code:
xi: ivreg2 outcome (treatment = instrument) control1 control2 i.year i.province if small == 1 [pw=triangle], cluster(clusterid) estimates store ModelA xi: ivreg2 outcome (treatment = instrument) control1 control2 i.year i.province if small == 0 [pw=triangle], cluster(clusterid) estimates store ModelB
I would like to compare the coefficients on treatment to see if they are significantly different.
1. The first part of my question is a Stata question: How do I properly code this comparison?
What I have tried:
I have found https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stata/co...s-using-suest/, where the answer was to use suest. This does not appear to work with ivreg2; it throws errors for my triangular kernel weights and because ivreg2 doesn't cluster using vce(cluster).
(specifically my errors are "ModelA was estimated with pweights, you should re-estimate using iweights" and "ModelA was estimated with a nonstandard vce (cluster)")
Alternatively, I found https://www.stata.com/statalist/arch.../msg00487.html, which looked perfect.
gmm /// (eq1: outcome - {b1}*treatment - {b2}*control1 - {b3}*control2 - {b0} if small == 1) /// (eq2: outcome - {b1}*treatment - {b2}*control1 - {b3}*control2 - {b0} if small == 0), /// instruments(eq1: instrument control1 control2) /// instruments(eq2: instrument control1 control2) /// onestep winitial(unadjusted, indep)
But it seems that I am unable to use if statements within the equation definitions using gmm. My error is "could not evaluate equation 1 r(498)."
Am I correct I cannot use these methods for my setting, or am I simply not setting them up correctly?
2. The second part of my question is more of a statistical question, but is related to my first because it concerns another way I have tried to do sub-sample analysis:
A final way I have found to do this is to estimate a pooled regressions including interactions with my small dummy
g treatxsmall = treatment*small g instrumentxsmall = instrument*small xi: ivreg2 outcome (treatment treatxsmall = instrument instrumentxsmall) small control1 control2 i.year i.province [pw = triangle] if small != ., cluster(clusteridi)
From looking at the replication code included with the published version of the paper, that appears to be what the authors do, i.e., run the sub-sample regressions and report their coefficients and standard errors and then run the pooled regression and report the p-value on the interaction term between the subsample indicator and treatment. However, their code is quite advanced for my level (they appear to use nested Stata sub-routines they can call repeatedly ("program define...")) and I find it hard to back out what they are doing from code alone while the underlying data is confidential so I can't reverse-engineer it easily.
I am using Stata/MP, version 14.2
Thank you for your time, Ellen
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