I'm running into a problem I don't understand. I have a bunch of variables named of the form [lower case letter][one or two digit number][capital letter][# of lower case letters], and i'm trying to extract everything before the capital letter and rename the variable. I've tried using regexs and regexm to loop over the variable names and rename them but the function always defaults to the last variable in the local varlist.
The function works well on it's own though. E.g.
clear all set obs 15 gen id = _n gen test = "b1Kasjdad" replace test = "b12Flkskdj" if _n>3 replace test = "c14Hdasliv" if _n>6 replace test = "d9Lpoawfe" if _n>9 replace test = "h99Mnqwdi" if _n>12 gen test2 = regexs(0) if regexm(test, "[a-z][0-9]*")
clear input float id str10 test str3 test2 1 "b1Kasjdad" "b1" 2 "b1Kasjdad" "b1" 3 "b1Kasjdad" "b1" 4 "b12Flkskdj" "b12" 5 "b12Flkskdj" "b12" 6 "b12Flkskdj" "b12" 7 "c14Hdasliv" "c14" 8 "c14Hdasliv" "c14" 9 "c14Hdasliv" "c14" 10 "d9Lpoawfe" "d9" 11 "d9Lpoawfe" "d9" 12 "d9Lpoawfe" "d9" 13 "h99Mnqwdi" "h99" 14 "h99Mnqwdi" "h99" 15 "h99Mnqwdi" "h99" end
clear input float(id b1Kasjdad b12Flkskdj c14Hdasliv d9Lpoawfe h99Mnqwdi) 1 .36276805 .6640378 .2363827 .35137045 .431756 2 .31382445 .036803816 .6764786 .6978495 .7970607 3 .6380712 .3336498 .14591032 .7828125 .5824112 4 .18699375 .7824295 .29664016 .8312564 .1161198 5 .50534767 .01700492 .8219558 .8498105 .742251 6 .5276305 .2278204 .3213928 .9997507 .26177752 7 .7853414 .57824653 .4164997 .09139451 .8069862 8 .4717338 .7533595 .02369639 .6306959 .667398 9 .2299842 .8570072 .3125404 .07612886 .2427153 10 .7976828 .9322746 .9322619 .3457762 .629151 11 .16493952 .324447 .0502046 .09631826 .53290236 12 .932945 .1637711 .6221892 .54500425 .7275901 13 .3999315 .958201 .6189114 .8078102 .6358732 14 .9881987 .6008608 .9028944 .1186969 .30897725 15 .9287856 .9733476 .3830579 .2723139 .031594325 end
foreach var of varlist b1Kasjdad - h99Mnqwdi{ rename `var' `=regexs(0) if regexm("`var'", "[a-z][0-9]*")' }
Any thoughts on what i'm doing wrong here?
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