Dear Stata users,

I am working with expenditure data with around 15% missing data, which I want to impute. I used multiple chain method to impute data, my command is here:

mi register imputed  totalexp_month_C  
 mi impute chained (nbreg) totalexp_month_C   =    AforA    age education incomegen female married age education assetsum  , add(10) rseed (53421) savetrace(trace1,replace) force
After this I want to re-estimate my original multi-level model with the imputed dataset. I am using the following command:
 mi estimate, cmdok: menbreg totalexp_month_C   i.period  AforA   female_c married_c age_c education_c || SiteCode:, irr
It works and provides me a results output that makes sense, but it does not show the coefficients as risk ratios, despite my "irr" specification in the end. Any idea on why this might be happening? And otherwise, is it fine to proceed with the "cmdok" command in my case?

Thanks a lot!