Dear Statalist Members!

I am using STATA 12.1 and working with the person file of a household census. My aim is to reclassify the 14 categories of relationships to head in the census, based on women aged 15-49 in that particular household as the unit of reference. I want to ascertain the living arrangements of this group of interest, whether they live with people from their own generation (e.g Brother, Sister) and/or people from the previous generation (e.g Parent, Uncle, Aunt). What i first did was create dummy variables for all the household relation categories to head which show whether or not a woman aged 15-49 years was present/absent in a household. For ease of explanation i am going to use 1 household category (Son/Daughter), the code i used to establish the presence of a woman in a household in this category was through creation of a variable 'daughter.'
by SN, sort: gen house=.
replace house=1 if P02_RELATION==3 & F03_SEX==2 & F02_AGE>=15 & F02_AGE<=49
replace house=0 if (P02_RELATION==3 & F03_SEX==2 & F02_AGE<15 | F02_AGE>49) | (P02_RELATION==3 & F03_SEX!=2) | P02_RELATION!=3 
egen daughter=max(house), by( SN)
browse SN P02_RELATION F03_SEX F02_AGE daughter 
label variable daughter "Head's daughter aged 15-49 years present in H/hold"
label define daughter 1"Present" 0"Absent"
label values daughter daughter
In households where daughters were present, i created another variable 'relation_daughter' which captures how the rest of the household is related to the daughter of the head
generate relation_daughter=.
replace relation_daughter=1 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==1
replace relation_daughter=2 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==2   
replace relation_daughter=3 if (daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==3 & F03_SEX==1) | (daughter==1 & P02_RELATION ==4)
replace relation_daughter=4 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==5
replace relation_daughter=5 if daughter==1 & (P02_RELATION==6|P02_RELATION==11)
replace relation_daughter=6 if daughter==1 & (P02_RELATION==7|P02_RELATION==8)
replace relation_daughter=7 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==9 & P14A_MOTHERPNR!=98 & P14A_MOTHERPNR!=.
replace relation_daughter=8 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==9 & (P14A_MOTHERPNR==98 |P14A_MOTHERPNR==.)
replace relation_daughter=9 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==10 & F03_SEX==1
replace relation_daughter=10 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==10 & F03_SEX==2
replace relation_daughter=11 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==12
replace relation_daughter=12 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==13
replace relation_daughter=13 if daughter==1 & P02_RELATION==14
label variable relation_daughter "Relation to daughter"
label define relation_daughter 1"Father/Mother" 2"Mother/Father or Stepfather/mother" 3"Brother/Sister" 4"Stepsibling" 5"Uncle/Aunt" 6"Grandmother/Father or Step Grandparent" 7"Son/Daughter or Nephew/Niece" 8"Nephew/Niece or Grandson/daughter" 9"Husband or Brother-in-law" 10"Sister-in-law" 11"Great-grandmother/Father" 12"Other relative" 13"Non-related person"
label values relation_daughter relation_daughter
tab relation_daughter
In the given household, relation_daughter shows how everyone else would be related to her if she was the unit of reference.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double SN int(F00_NR F02_AGE) byte(F03_SEX P02_RELATION P14A_MOTHERPNR P15A_FATHERPNR) float(daughter relation_daughter)
10000010084 1 49 1  1  .  . 1  1
10000010084 2 44 2  2 98  . 1  2
10000010084 4 17 1  3  2  1 1  3
10000010084 3 18 2  3  2  1 1  .
10000010084 5 11 1  3  2  1 1  3
10000010084 6  0 1  9  3 98 1  7
10000010084 7 24 2 13 98 98 1 12
10000010084 8 18 1 13 98  . 1 12
label values F03_SEX F03_SEX
label def F03_SEX 1 "1. Male", modify
label def F03_SEX 2 "2. Female", modify
label values P02_RELATION P02_RELATION
label def P02_RELATION 1 "1. Head/Acting head", modify
label def P02_RELATION 2 "2. Husband/wife/partner", modify
label def P02_RELATION 3 "3. Son/daughter", modify
label def P02_RELATION 9 "9. Grand/greatgrand child", modify
label def P02_RELATION 13 "13. Other relative", modify
label def P14A_MOTHERPNR 98 "98. Mother not in the household", modify
label def P15A_FATHERPNR 98 "98. Father not in the household", modify
label values daughter daughter
label def daughter 1 "Present", modify
label values relation_daughter relation_daughter
label def relation_daughter 1 "Father/Mother", modify
label def relation_daughter 2 "Mother/Father or Stepfather/mother", modify
label def relation_daughter 3 "Brother/Sister", modify
label def relation_daughter 7 "Son/Daughter or Nephew/Niece", modify
label def relation_daughter 12 "Other relative", modify
My issues are 1) I would have preferred a way of recoding that would have shown who the daughter lived with without me having to pull out the household because it gets messy with many categories and variables, how best can i do that? 2)There are cases of 2 or more daughters in a household who meet the criteria, how can i code them separately