I want to test the effectiveness of a educational videogame to increase protective factors of alcohol consumption in schools. For this purpose, we have recruited 8 schools which had to fill the same questionnaire on two different times (Q1 and Q2). Those schools were randomized to be assigned to 2 groups:
- implement the videogame between Q1 and Q2 (intervention group)
- Implement the videogame after Q2 (control group: there is no intervention between Q1 and Q2)
I have a dataset of 20 variables and aproximately 800 observations (400 from questionnaire 1 and 400 from questionnaire 2).
Some of the variables are dependent variables in several models, but I want only to consider one hypothetical analysis, so I will only use one dependent variable.
Let's call my variables the following way:
- dependent variable in Q1: y1
- dependent variable in Q2: y2
- independent variables in Q1: xa1 xb1 xc1
- independent variables in Q2: xa2 xb2 xc2
- intervention variable: intervention1 intervention2
- cluster code: cluster
One easy solution to our problem would be to generate the "different from Q1 mean", and then run a linear regression to test if there is "difference between within group differences":
egen ymean1 = mean(y1) gen difference= y2 - ymean1 regress difference intervention2 xa1 xb1 xc1 || cluster:
Thanks in advance
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