My data describes a network where each 'parent' is followed by 'children', each of whom is then followed by own 'children', and so on. The network is directional i.e. each node participates only once. The key variables are parent, child and wave. The original parent is coded as 0 (zero) and the original wave is coded as 0. I want to plot this network so that it looks like a hierarchical dendrogram. I have searched the web but could not find anything suitable. I'd be grateful for suggestions.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int(parent child wave)
  0    1 0
  0    2 0
  0    3 0
  0    5 0
  1   37 1
  1   38 1
 37  145 2
 37  146 2
 37  147 2
 38  149 2
145  470 3
145  471 3
149  481 3
481 1479 4