
I would like to convert a "date" variable in is in the format "day, month, year" to another variable that gives me the information in the "month, year" format. Can you help me with this issue?
I send the code below.
Thank you in advance.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float date str25 country float risk
21915 "afghanistan"                   0
21915 "albania"                       0
21915 "algeria"                       0
21915 "andorra"                       0
21915 "angola"                        0
21915 "argentina"                     0
21915 "aruba"                         0
21915 "australia"                     0
21915 "austria"                       0
21915 "azerbaijan"                    0
21915 "bahamas"                       0
21915 "bahrain"                       0
21915 "bangladesh"                    0
21915 "barbados"                      0
21915 "belarus"                       0
21915 "belgium"                       0
21915 "belize"                        0
21915 "benin"                         0
21915 "bermuda"                       0
21915 "bhutan"                        0
21915 "bolivia"                   62.04
21915 "bosniaandherzegovina"          0
21915 "botswana"                   5.56
21915 "brazil"                        0
21915 "brunei"                        0
21915 "bulgaria"                      0
21915 "burkinafaso"                   0
21915 "burundi"                       0
21915 "cambodia"                      0
21915 "cameroon"                      0
21915 "canada"                        0
21915 "capeverde"                     0
21915 "centralafricanrepublic"        0
21915 "chad"                          0
21915 "chile"                         0
21915 "china"                         0
21915 "colombia"                      0
21915 "comoros"                       .
21915 "congo"                         0
21915 "costarica"                     0
21915 "cotedivoire"                   0
21915 "croatia"                       0
21915 "cuba"                          0
21915 "cyprus"                        0
21915 "czechrepublic"                 0
21915 "democraticrepublicofcongo"     0
21915 "denmark"                       0
21915 "djibouti"                      0
21915 "dominica"                      0
21915 "dominicanrepublic"             0
21915 "ecuador"                       0
21915 "egypt"                         0
21915 "elsalvador"                    0
21915 "eritrea"                       0
21915 "estonia"                       0
21915 "eswatini"                      0
21915 "ethiopia"                      0
21915 "faeroeislands"                 0
21915 "fiji"                          0
21915 "finland"                       0
21915 "france"                        0
21915 "gabon"                         0
21915 "gambia"                        0
21915 "georgia"                       0
21915 "germany"                       0
21915 "ghana"                         0
21915 "greece"                        0
21915 "greenland"                     0
21915 "guam"                          0
21915 "guatemala"                     0
21915 "guinea"                        0
21915 "guyana"                        0
21915 "haiti"                         0
21915 "honduras"                      0
21915 "hongkong"                  13.89
21915 "hungary"                       0
21915 "iceland"                       0
21915 "india"                         0
21915 "indonesia"                     0
21915 "iran"                          0
21915 "iraq"                          0
21915 "ireland"                       0
21915 "israel"                        0
21915 "italy"                         0
21915 "jamaica"                       0
21915 "japan"                         0
21915 "jordan"                        0
21915 "kazakhstan"                    0
21915 "kenya"                         0
21915 "kiribati"                      0
21915 "kosovo"                        0
21915 "kuwait"                        0
21915 "kyrgyzrepublic"                0
21915 "laos"                          0
21915 "latvia"                        0
21915 "lebanon"                       0
21915 "lesotho"                       0
21915 "liberia"                       0
21915 "libya"                         0
21915 "lithuania"                     0
format %td date