Hello everybody,

I use Stata 13.1 and I am working with a dataset that contains 25 numerical variables (var1-var25) and around 400 observations. I want to create a 25x25 matrix A. Each cell of A reports the euclidean distance between the corresponding pair of variables. For example, a11=sqrt[sumi(var1i -var1i)^2] and the subscript i refers to the observation i (from 1 to 400), a21=sqrt[sumi(var2i -var1i)^2] etc. Obviously, A will be a square and symmetric matrix, in which the elements of the diagonal will be zero. This is some sort of dissimilarity matrix, I have tried the command matrix dissim to achieve that but it creates a 400x400 matrix in which each cell reports the distance of each observation instead of the total distance for each variable. Is there any simple way to create this matrix?


David Puig