I'm using stata 16 and I 'd like to use estpost for a ttest but it doesn't work (command estpost is unrecognized)
I want to export the result to rtf format, how can I do ?

estpost ttest formal_hh self_excl trustee_formal_hh total_formal_amount , by(excl_agr_wage_hh)
esttab using "Reltats\article jornaleros juin 2013.rtf", append cells("mu_1(fmt(a1) pattern(1 0)) mu_2(fmt(a1) star)")/*
*/starlevels(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) unstack label collabel ("no exclusive agr wage" "exclusive agr wage") /*
*/nonumber title ("Credit practices of formal member hh") /*
*/addnotes("Source : RUME project")