Hi there,

I was using the syntax foreach var of varlist * {summ `var' replace `var' = r(mean) if missing(`var')}
but this seems to have replaced missing data with the complete mean rather than the subscale mean.

If I have items q6, q7, q8, q12, q18, q19 and item q8 is missing. How do I replace q8 with the subscale mean i.e. can I do q6+q7+q12+q18+q19 divided by 6 to replace q8?

So, for example, if the item scores are:
q6: 4
q7: 3
q8: . (missing)
q12: 3
q18: 1
q19: 4

Can I get Stata to sum the other subscale scores and divide by the total number of scores to leave the mean of 2.5 to replace q8 without me having to do this manually?

Hope I explained that ok?
Many thanks for your help in advance,