Hi, I am relatively new to Stata so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Q: How do I do a generalized difference-in-differences regression with panel data in Stata?

Background: I am working on my senior thesis and I want to use a generalized difference-in-differences regression to explore the impact of college sexual assault scandals on application rates. I have a panel dataset with 100 groups (i.e., colleges) and 19 time periods (i.e., years 2001-2019).

- My dependent variable is number of college applications.
- The “treatment” is represented by a Scandal dummy variable to indicate if there was a scandal the previous year (i.e., if there was a college scandal in 2002, then the scandal dummy variable would be equal to 1 in 2003 in order to explore the effects on the 2003 college application rates).
- My control variables include: in-state and out-of-state tuition, common app member (dummy variable), institutional SAT percentile scores, and USNWR Rank for each college every year.

I hope that makes sense.

I have struggled to find examples of how to do a generalized difference-in-differences regression in Stata. Also, I would like to learn how to include "college-fixed effects" with my control variables.

I would really appreciate any help and/or examples, thank you!