
I have a question regarding the estimation of a model with a latent dependent variable, and my model is stated below:

I want to estimate the quality of children:Q (unobserved variable, but it can be proxied as whether this child was healthy last year: say 1 if healthy: good quality and 0 if unhealthy: poor quality), which is determined by maternal care time (m: observed) and expenditure on children (k:observed).
This formula is assumed to follow: Q=kam1-a
Since coefficient a is strictly between (0,1), i want to impose a= exp(a~)/1+exp(a~). However, i do not know how to estimate this coefficient in stata? If you have any hints please let me know.

Tips: Can I for example, use logit code: logit Q k m and obtained this coefficient a/ a~?

Thank you in advance.
