Dear Statalist, I have recently done a meta-analysis of the correlation coefficient, but I encountered such an error in the process of analyzing a set of data with stata software,I tried it many times, but it failed. Please help me correct the error and rewrite the running code. Thank you!

My operation process was as follows

First I run the code
input str10 study year r n
Bill 2002 .34 39
Amanda 2004 .41 80
Kevin 2004 .55 40
Geroge 2006 .45 200
Jacob 2008 .38 98
lin 2009 .35 100
Fang 2010 .24 58

generate z = atanh(r)
generate sez = sqrt(1/(n - 3))

metan z sez, label(namevar = study, yearvar = year)

admetan z sez

generate _USE = 1

generate lb = tanh(_LCI)
generate ub = tanh(_UCI)

generate _LABELS = study + " (" + string(year, "%02.0f") + ")"

label var n "Sample size"

local new = _N + 1
set obs `new'
replace _LABELS = "{bf:Overall}" if _n == _N
replace r = tanh(r(eff)) if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
replace lb = tanh(r(eff) - (1.96 * r(se_eff))) if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
replace ub = tanh(r(eff) + (1.96 * r(se_eff))) if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"
replace _USE = 5 if _LABELS == "{bf:Overall}"

format %-9.0g n

forestplot r lb ub, nonull effect("Correlation") rcol(n) nowt

Then I got the result like this (as shown below. )
Study | Effect [95% Conf. Interval] % Weight
1 | 0.354 0.027 0.681 6.06
2 | 0.436 0.212 0.659 12.96
3 | 0.618 0.296 0.941 6.23
4 | 0.485 0.345 0.624 33.16
5 | 0.400 0.199 0.601 15.99
6 | 0.365 0.166 0.564 16.33
7 | 0.245 -0.020 0.509 9.26
Overall effect | 0.424 0.343 0.504 100.00

Test of overall effect = 0: z = 10.322 p = 0.000
Heterogeneity Measures
| Value df p-value
Cochran's Q | 4.46 6 0.614
I?(%) | 0.0%
Modified H? | 0.000
tau? | 0.0000

I?= between-study variance (tau? as a percentage of total variance
Modified H?= ratio of tau?to typical within-study variance
option lalign() not allowed
Error in forestplot
