Hello! I am trying to run SEM on the model I have attached. I can't seem to figure out why it runs perfectly fine on everything except when I try to link the latent variable Behavioral to Intensity. Once I try to estimate to get this last relationship, it iterates nonstop. It is a constant loop. I am new to SEM, and I have tried using the dif option, tried different algorithms, and have used the matrix command to use the data from the latest model to converge with the addition of this variable. I could be using it incorrectly, but when I get the output from the model attached, I run "matrix b = e(b)". This is the following code I enter:

sem (Cognitive -> poc_consciousness_raising, ) (Cognitive -> poc_dramatic_relief, ) (Cognitive -> poc_environmental_reevaluation, ) (Cognitive -> poc_self_reevaluation, ) (Cognitive -> poc_self_liberation, ) (Cognitive -> mean_hrpct, ) (Behavioral -> poc_social_liberation, ) (Behavioral -> poc_counterconditioning, ) (Behavioral -> poc_helping_relationships, ) (Behavioral -> poc_reinforcement_management, ) (Behavioral -> poc_stimulus_control, ) (Behavioral -> mean_hrpct, ) (age -> mean_hrpct, ) (gender -> mean_hrpct, ) (race_code -> mean_hrpct, ) (bmi -> mean_hrpct, ) (jp_fat -> mean_hrpct, ) if measurement==1 & removemean_hrpctz==0, covstruct(_lexogenous, diagonal) cov(_lexogenous*_oexogenous@0) method(mlmv) standardized latent(Cognitive Behavioral ) cov( Cognitive*Behavioral) nocapslatent from(b)

I'm not sure why my other latent variable has no issue at all but this one does. I would appreciate any help I can get with this. When I run the command above, iterations 0-7 all have (not concave) beside the values, so I'm believing that this could be the issue.

Thank you in advance for any input as I'm a beginner to SEM.

(As a side note, is there a way in which I can remove the coefficients inside the variable shapes?)