Dear all,
I want to test the equality of coefficients in quantile regression model using loop. The code as follows
sysuse auto
sqreg price weight length foreign, quantile(.25 .5 .75) reps(100)
local qlist "q25 q50 q75"

local shortloop "weight length"
foreach k of local qlist{
foreach fshort of local shortloop{
    local expshort 0 
    ds `fshort'
    local pp `r(varlist)'
    *di "`pp'"
    foreach v of local pp {
    local expshort `expshort' + [`k']`v'  
display "`expshort'"
test `expshort' /*simple example for demo*/
The above code doesn't work as the following error

0 + [q25]weight
0 not found
How to remove the section "0 + " from "0 + [q25]weight"?

Thanks very much!

Best regards,
wanhai you