Hi everyone, good afternoon.

I am not able to make my loop save the results after regress over files (betas, t, R2 and N) , with all my datasets I have 11 named 2005.dta to 2017.dta (it does not exist for 2009) contained in a folder (F: \ datasets) , I pass the code to you and I would appreciate it if any of you can help understand what is missing or why it is wrong.
The objective is to use "asdoc", and to generate a summary table of the estimates I make,
The code that I have written is the following.

cd "F: \ datasets"
local i: dir. files "* .dta"
foreach file in `i '{
asdoc reg and x1 x2 x3, append nest rep (t | se) title (Table 1 MCO per year) dec (3)

But the result is not that I expect since asdoc saves 11 times the results of a single database the first (only 2005) and does nothing for the others.

Thank you very much in advance.
a greeting