Hi all,

I am looking to calculate the odds ratios in a logistic regression where the dependent variable is a dummy for digital financial service usage. I am using multiple independent variables, including 3 continuous variables, 2 dummy variables, and 2 factor variables. I'm not totally sure how to interpret the constant in the output, as both factor variables have omitted a category. The odds ratio outputs are:

logistic digital income bankacct sendfreq sendtime rec_bankacct i.recepient i.birthplace

digital | Odds Ratio
income | 3.412442
bankacct| 1.67583
sendfreq| .3388592
sendtime| .3928593
rec_bankacct | 5.432351
_Irecipient_1 | .3849204
_Irecipient_2 | 1.121452
_Irecipient_3 | 1.668443
Ibirthplace_2 | .8439282
Ibirthplace_3 | .6452834
Ibirthplace_4 | 1.152431
_cons| .006926

In this case, would the _cons variable be interpreted as one of the omitted factor variables? And if so, can I still interpret the other variables as is? For example, can the bankacct dummy variable (0=no account, 1=account), be interpreted as: having a bank account increases the odds of using digital financial services by ~68% (OR=1.675) as compared to having no account? Or, would it be ~68% as compared to having no account and (the characteristic of the omitted factor variable).

Hopefully this makes sense, I am happy to clarify if not. Thank you in advance, Statalist!