I've been working to finalize my code for a figure, and I'm struggling to be able to see the entirety of my label on the "x" axis when using the hbar command.

When I graph as a bar plot (see file bar.jpg), everything shows up as required in the label.


Here's my code:

splitvallabels question
graph bar Likert1 Likert2 Likert3 Likert4 Likert5, percentage stack over(question,label(labsize(vsmall)) relabel(`r(relabel)')) ytitle("Percent Dstribution of Likert Scores", size(vsmall)) ylabel(0(20)100,labsize(small)) bar(1, color(black) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(2, color(cranberry) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(3, color(teal) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(4, color(gs14) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(5, color(stone) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) blabel(bar, size(tiny) format(%4.0f) position(center)) intensity(50) legend(size(vsmall) position(5) keygap(1) symxsize(2) label (1 "Much Less Willing") label (2 "Less Willing") label (3 "No change") label (4 "More Willing") label (5 "Much More Willing")) title("Physician Willingness to Discontinue Hourly Neuroassessments", span size (medsmall))

However, if I try to make it a horizontal bar graph (which is my preference), the left side of the figure gets truncated and I can't even read the labels (see file hbar.jpg).


The code is exactly the same except for the "graph hbar".

splitvallabels question
graph hbar Likert1 Likert2 Likert3 Likert4 Likert5, percentage stack over(question,label(labsize(vsmall)) relabel(`r(relabel)')) ytitle("Percent Dstribution of Likert Scores", size(vsmall)) ylabel(0(20)100,labsize(small)) bar(1, color(black) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(2, color(cranberry) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(3, color(teal) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(4, color(gs14) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) bar(5, color(stone) lcolor(black) lwidth(vthin)) blabel(bar, size(tiny) format(%4.0f) position(center)) intensity(50) legend(size(vsmall) position(5) keygap(1) symxsize(2) label (1 "Much Less Willing") label (2 "Less Willing") label (3 "No change") label (4 "More Willing") label (5 "Much More Willing")) title("Physician Willingness to Discontinue Hourly Neuroassessments", span size (medsmall))

It's taken me a lot of time to even get this far, and I've tried to figure it out on my own, but I've been unsuccessful. I suspect this is a simple fix, and any help is appreciated!