Hello, Statalist community!

I feel a little foolish posting this question but I'm hoping that someone will be kind enough to share some insights.

I am reviewing several different models with varying structural differences. I am modeling panel data from 55 neighborhoods during 1990-2014 I am trying to figure out which model has the best fit. 1. XT (GEE, POISSON, NBREG) each reviewing the different correlation structures of independent, exchangeable, identity, unstructured, or ar1)
2. ME (POISSON, NBREG) ) each reviewing the different correlation structures of independent, exchangeable, identity, unstructured, or ar1)
3. GLM (Gamma distribution and identity link)

Currently, I run each model then use the test and lrtest commands, as well as compare the AIC BIC. As well as using the test and lrtest commands. I am using Stata 15.1.

Is there anything else I should be doing?
