Dear all,
I have a set of variables with missing data. total of 6000 observations and 49 variables. i used mi chained equations to impute the data. when i use sum command all the imputed variables show 6000 observations. How ever when the logit command with mi estimate i get only 4742 observation, as if it only used the data before imputation the code i used is:
 mi estimate, or: logit prediabeties age albumin alkalinephosphatase alt ast bicarbonate bilirubintotal calcium calciumcorrected chloride cholesterol
 total cpeptide creatinineumolml dihydroxyvitamind estradiol ferritin folate freethyroxine freetriiodothyronine hdlcholesterol homocysteine insulin i
 ron ldlcholesterol magnesium phosphorus potassium sodium testosteronetotal tsh tibc totalprotein triglyceride  urea uricacid vitaminb12 waistsize hi
 pssize waisthipratio sbp dbp pulse  bmi
My independent variable is prediabetes and all the predictors are continuous.

I get this:


Stata IC, 15.1 mac