This is a new problem that I have never had before, but which has been persisting for about a month. Whenever I run a heavy analysis (e.g., enter a bunch of models that need to run for a while, like overnight) and step away from my computer, at some point during the analysis my whole computer turns itself off. When I restart I don't get any crash messages or errors or anything else--it is as though someone has just shut it down. It only appears to happen if I am not actively using the computer at the time--if I continue to answer emails, or work on other files while Stata is running in the background, it has never shut down on me, so I have never seen what it actually does. It could be coincidence, but there is high correlation (almost every single time that I set an analysis to run overnight, or for a few hours while I will be out, my computer is off when I get back and the analysis cut off at some point, which I can see in the log file; it has never shut off while I am actively using the computer).
I have had problems with RAM before on certain analyses when I was doing really monster-sized analysis, but that should not be a factor here (if I rerun the analysis, it always shuts down in a different place, and rerunning the exact command where the computer shut off in the middle never recreates the problem), and when I had that happen before I got specific error messages--my computer didn't just turn itself off.
I know this may somehow be a Windows problem rather than a Stata problem, but it only happens with Stata, and not with other programs, so I am hoping that someone here might have had this issue in the past and might be able to help me figure out how to fix it without having to completely re-install windows and all of my programs (I just don't have time to do that right now!

). Thanks in advance for any help and advice!
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