Dear All!

The issue I want to solve is: I have two data points in time, whereas in 8% not the same person (household head) answered all questions but rather the child was the respondent in the second wave. Assuming that this is not a problem as characteristics are inherited from one generation to another, I believe to simply match these two waves. However, I need to also statistically test for this.
Therefore, I want to statistically compare a restricted model (only household heads responded both) with the full model. Now I am puzzled because they are pooled in nature (thus use clustering) and are sample weighted, which does not allow me to use "suest" and the Hausman test.

Would like to do:
mlogit PortfolioDecision  $x1 if SamePerson==1 [pweight=pweight], b(1) nolog
margins, dydx(*)
estimates store restricted

mlogit PortfolioDecision  $x1 [pweight=pweight], b(1) nolog
margins, dydx(*)
estimates store full

suest full restricted, vce(cluster hhid)  noomitted

test [full_0=restricted_0], cons
But the suest command does not allow for both clustering and pweights:
PHP Code:
suest full restrictedvce(cluster hhid)  noomitted
model full was estimated with pweights
you should re-estimate using iweights

end of do-file 
Does anyone know what I can do instead? Would it also be possible to run the commands above with (1) unweighted but clustered and (2) weighted but not-clustered data and still get at least a good approximate for a statistical difference between the two?
Any help is highly appreciated!
