I have created a wide-dataset whit the cumulative percentage change within a period of a week for each province-code in my original dataset. Here an example of the structure:
+------------------------------------------------------+ | week_7~m cumul~e1 cumul~e2 cumul~e3 cumul~e4 | |------------------------------------------------------| 1. | 1 7 0 0 0 | 2. | 2 2.433981 3.872983 3.605551 2.236068 | 3. | 3 9.513314 5.292168 4.820598 5.574182 | 4. | 4 25.65091 6.391198 11.52379 9.596646 | 5. | 5 18.11543 5.083418 6.393942 6.903596 | |------------------------------------------------------| 6. | 6 14.64915 3.95698 5.056757 8.415645 | 7. | 7 11.73828 3.986464 8.661814 5.509972 | 8. | 8 11.61636 2.641778 4.513327 7.073934 | 9. | 9 9.731657 1.790158 2.424222 3.58781 | 10. | 10 6.998778 .793135 1.692915 1.450931 | +------------------------------------------------------+
I need to compute (and possibly store) the correlation coefficient for all possible combinations of province-codes foreach week-number, but I do not have any proper solution for that. Could you provide any idea?
Thanks for your help.
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