• Hello every one,

    Please I am new in stata, I am trying to construct a cross sectional data set from a survey stata file and climate record of survey cluster in excel, then run a probit cluster fixed effect on the sample..
    for instance, the excel file is:
    cluster temperature precipitation
    1 25.6 1.89
    2 27 2.4
    3 24.44 1.56
    while the excel file is:
    region cluster adoption age sex f=2, male=1
    urban 1 1 10 2
    rural 1 0 15 1
    urban 1 1 14 2
    rural 1 0 5 2
    urban 2 1 13 1
    rural 2 1 6 1
    urban 2 0 7 2
    rural 3 1 13 2
    urban 3 1 4 1
    rural 3 0 7 2
    urban 3 1 4 2
    I imported the excel to stata and saved it as a stata file, then i tried merging the two files using the command,
    use "C:\survey\A.dta", clear sort cluster joinby cluster using "C:\temp\B.dta", unmatched(both) sortby cluster: probit adoption age i.sex temperature precipitation I am getting error messages. Kindly guide me please. Thank you.