Hello --- I'm hoping to get some assistance adjusting my esttab code (pasted at bottom) to make the following adjustments to my regression output table as it currently appears below:
  • Suppress the three "var" statistics reported below the coefficients
  • Create and display labels for the p-value stats reported at the bottom (e.g., for dnocost I would like "D-No # Private Cost = 1" as the text in the leftmost column)
  • (minor thing!) I have a "$" figure in the notes at the bottom, but when exported to Latex the tex file reads it as the opening of math mode --- how can I prevent this?
Thanks in advance!

* Model 1a: Bid as dependent variable
eststo m1a: metobit bid i.treatment#c.randomcosts invperiod || subjectid: , ll(0) ul(upper) vce(cluster uniquegroupid)

mat list e(b)
    test _b[4b.treatment#c.randomcosts] = 1
        estadd scalar dnocost=r(p)    
    test _b[5.treatment#c.randomcosts] = 1
        estadd scalar ddisccost=r(p)    
    test _b[6.treatment#c.randomcosts] = 1
        estadd scalar dundcost=r(p)    
    test _b[4b.treatment#c.randomcosts] = _b[5.treatment#c.randomcosts]
        estadd scalar dnoddisc=r(p)
    test _b[4b.treatment#c.randomcosts] = _b[6.treatment#c.randomcosts]
        estadd scalar dnodund=r(p)
    test _b[5.treatment#c.randomcosts] = _b[6.treatment#c.randomcosts]
        estadd scalar ddiscdund=r(p)

* Model 1b: Bid Inflation as dependent variable
eststo m2a: metobit bid_above_cost i.treatment#c.randomcosts invperiod || subjectid: , ll(0) ul(upper) vce(cluster uniquegroupid)
    test _b[4b.treatment#c.randomcosts] = 1
        estadd scalar dnocost=r(p)    
    test _b[5.treatment#c.randomcosts] = 1
        estadd scalar ddisccost=r(p)    
    test _b[6.treatment#c.randomcosts] = 1
        estadd scalar dundcost=r(p)    
    test _b[4b.treatment#c.randomcosts] = _b[5.treatment#c.randomcosts]
        estadd scalar dnoddisc=r(p)
    test _b[4b.treatment#c.randomcosts] = _b[6.treatment#c.randomcosts]
        estadd scalar dnodund=r(p)
    test _b[5.treatment#c.randomcosts] = _b[6.treatment#c.randomcosts]
        estadd scalar ddiscdund=r(p)

// export for latex
esttab m1a m2a using "$latex/reg_ind_bidding_discriminatory_only_tobit.tex", replace  eqlabels(" " " ") stats(dnocost ddisccost dundcost dnoddisc dnodund ddiscdund) label b(%10.4f) se star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) title("Tobit Model of Individual Bidding Behaviour") mtitle("Bid" "Bid Inflation" ) addnotes("Random Effect at Individual Bidder Level with clustering at Auction Group level" "Upper Limit of \$7.07 for Bid Cap Treatments" "Excludes 230 observations of those bidders in bid cap treatments with private costs $>$ $7.07$/unit")