I want to estimate a recentered influence function with the median as distributional statistic of interest. I use the command 'rifhdreg' as explained by Rios-Avila (2019).
My data are survey data, so I use the option 'svy'. However, when I use this option, the option 'retain(new_var)' does not work (i.e. there is no new variable created), while if I don't use the option svy, the retain option does create a new variable. Both commands run fine and produce credible output; the difference is just that there is no new variable created when I specify the svy option.
My code looks like:
rifhdreg log_wage_hourly $education $experience $sector $occupation $context if rural==1 & female==0, rif(q(50)) retain(rif_r_m) svy
rifhdreg log_wage_hourly $education $experience $sector $occupation $context if rural==1 & female==0, rif(q(50)) retain(rif_r_m)
Thanks in advance for your help!
Kind regards,
Goedele Van den Broeck
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