Hello Stata family!

My data is divided into 10 equal groups by a categorical variable called decile which takes the value from 1 to 10.

I am running 10 separate regression on different data and then plotting only the "m2sc" coefficient using "coefplot"

foreach i of numlist 1/10 {
display `i'
reghdfe avg_light m2sc m4sc if decile==`i', absorb(i.key i.year) vce(cluster AC_YEAR) 
estimates store d_`i'
coefplot d_*, keep(m2sc) xline(0) order(d_1 d_2 d_3 d_4 d_5 d_6 d_7 d_8 d_9 d_10)
The problem is that I want to sort the coefficient by decile (the first line is d_1, d_2, d_3.....) but I am not able to do that. (See attached image)

Additionally is it possible to put the label "decile 1", "decile 2" on y-axis or on the C.I(graph region) line of the coeff ?