Dear Statalist Members:
I have some questions about the panel regression with country fixed effect and panel-robust standard errors. The data sample is attached.
First, description about data:
-time: daily time series (As you can see, I have a sample with small N, but large T)
-countryid: two countries. France(countryid==1); Italy(countryid==2)
-individual: local stock market returns (France and Italy)---this is a transformed data, so it is independent of market variable.
-market: European stock market returns (Same for both countries)
-bond: log-returns of 10-year bond yields (France and Italy)
What I want to test:
- whether individual(local stock returns) is an important factor for explaining bond(local bond yield returns)? Since I have commonly shared market returns, I should leave out time-fixed effect and control for country-fixed effect.
I want to perfrom:
(1) Panel regression with robust standard error and country fixed effect. The panel-robust standard errors(clustering at country level) to control for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation.
xtreg bond individual market, fe vce(cluster countryid)
xtscc bond individual market, fe lag(4)
Why the results of individual are so different(insignificant in "try1", but, significant in "try2")? Am I making any mistakes, if so, what should be the right code to use(to have the panel-robust standard errors(clustering at country level) to control for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation)? (My confusion is : If you run each country separately by using: regress bond individual market if countryid==1, robust, and, regress bond individual market if countryid==2, robust. Results show that individual is significant in each regressions. So, why individual becomes insignificant in try1?)
My second (small) question is that: if I want to do:
Panel regression with robust standard error and country fixed effect. The standard errors are corrected for both heteroskedasticity and serial correlation.
It is correct to do
- regress bond individual market i.countryid, robust cluster(time)???
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!
Many Thanks,
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