I have a panel dataset and am trying to carry out a regression with industry and year fixed effects. Also, the standard errors are to be clustered at the firm level.
I tried running the same using 'reg', 'xtreg' as well as 'areg' commands but am encountering a few issues:
(1) Using 'reg' command:
reg dependent_variable independent_variables i.year i.industry, vce(cluster firm)
(2) Using 'xtreg' command:
xtset industry
xtreg dependent_variable independent_variables i.year, fe vce(cluster firm)
(3) Using 'areg' command:
areg dependent_variable independent_variables i.year, absorb(industry) vce(cluster firm)
I would be grateful to you if you could please let me know why am I encountering those issues and how can I resolve them.
Also, out of the three, which approach will be the best one to run the above-stated regression.
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