I have this regression line, and I would like to export this table from STATA to word.
Linear regression Number of obs = 2,153 F(31, 2121) = 298.99 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.3360 Root MSE = 244.71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust FSTS_5 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- HHI | 588.8133 244.4677 2.41 0.016 109.3919 1068.235 HHISQ | -492.966 234.0659 -2.11 0.035 -951.9887 -33.94333 xad | -.0046756 .0023271 -2.01 0.045 -.0092393 -.000112 emp | .0175882 .0280968 0.63 0.531 -.0375119 .0726883 FSTS | -.9846829 .0135233 -72.81 0.000 -1.011203 -.9581625 | fyear | 2010 | 28.35477 21.9708 1.29 0.197 -14.73179 71.44133 2011 | 15.00335 17.3051 0.87 0.386 -18.9334 48.94009 2012 | 9.730733 17.83667 0.55 0.585 -25.24845 44.70992 2013 | 10.75918 16.95665 0.63 0.526 -22.49421 44.01258 2014 | -120.2575 138.6513 -0.87 0.386 -392.1641 151.6492 | naicsh2 | 21 | 14.1921 8.227619 1.72 0.085 -1.942941 30.32715 23 | 1131.067 921.8457 1.23 0.220 -676.7488 2938.883 31 | 18.74618 6.566222 2.85 0.004 5.869269 31.62308 32 | 9.01124 4.928855 1.83 0.068 -.654653 18.67713 33 | 20.72985 12.44844 1.67 0.096 -3.682579 45.14228 42 | 12.48527 6.227396 2.00 0.045 .2728268 24.69771 44 | -9.355897 18.03097 -0.52 0.604 -44.71612 26.00433 45 | 26.66661 29.08853 0.92 0.359 -30.37842 83.71163 48 | 4.820748 5.842497 0.83 0.409 -6.636874 16.27837 49 | -3.108557 9.183998 -0.34 0.735 -21.11914 14.90203 51 | 14.96792 6.146632 2.44 0.015 2.913861 27.02198 52 | 6.339458 4.996703 1.27 0.205 -3.459491 16.13841 53 | 8.078982 5.903123 1.37 0.171 -3.497532 19.6555 54 | 6.421112 5.475225 1.17 0.241 -4.316259 17.15848 56 | 5.639014 5.717088 0.99 0.324 -5.572671 16.8507 61 | -3.834204 5.77039 -0.66 0.506 -15.15042 7.48201 62 | 7.551174 8.546145 0.88 0.377 -9.208526 24.31087 71 | 1.529447 9.937071 0.15 0.878 -17.95798 21.01687 72 | 3.060732 10.66999 0.29 0.774 -17.864 23.98546 81 | 3.465963 10.77805 0.32 0.748 -17.67069 24.60261 99 | 13.02404 10.43827 1.25 0.212 -7.446286 33.49436 | _cons | -182.9373 74.44574 -2.46 0.014 -328.9316 -36.94305 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for helping.
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