I am trying to run a multilevel model on Stata 15 using gllamm. Our data comes from multiple waves of a repeated cross sectional survey conducted in many countries, so we have individual respondents nested within country-years (CY) which are nested within countries (COUNTRY).
The outcome variable is a binary, so the model is logistic. In the example below we have four individual-level covariates and one level two covariate.
xi:gllamm drinker C01 i.C49 i.ESPAD_Year parentdis PC, i(CY COUNTRY) family (binomial) link (logit) nip(3) adapt trace
Eventually model output is produced, but with two error messages:
“convergence not achieved” and “Condition Number could not be computed”
Parameter estimates are still provided, but I’m not confident that they are meaningful.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
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