Hi all,

For my Master thesis, I used Qualtrics for an online experiment and within this experiment respondents are randomly distributed over two different treatment groups (condition 1 and condition 2).
Now, I have separate variables in Stata for each condition of the experiment.
Every respondent in condition 1, has missing values for the questions asked in condition 2 marked with (.).
Likewise, every respondent that was in condition 2, has missing values for the questions asked in condition 1.

Now I want to run tests to compare the data of my two groups but because of the missing values in both conditions I’m not able to do that.
The problem is that I don’t know how to get rid of these missing values while creating a new variable that represents the different conditions of my experiment.

I tried to find a solution on the internet and I also looked on this forum but I can’t find the solution that I’m looking for.
I read something about first creating a binary variable for condition 1 and 2 with the command 'generate' and then combining the two binary variables into a new single variable but I don’t know if this is the right first step for my problem and I do not know which other commands I should use for my problem.

I hope someone can help me with this because I don’t know where to start as this is my first time using Stata.
I’m using Stata 16.1 on MacOS Catalina 10.15. I have 111 observations in my data set. Each condition has 4 variables with missing data.

Thanks in advance!