Hi, I am new to STATA and am trying to combine multiple datasets which have multiple obs for multiple IDs (health data). I am working on combining the first 2 datasets, realising I should use the command -append-, but the r106 error generates. After further investigation there is one variable "mode_of_separation" which is byte in my "master dataset" with numeric values of (1-11) but string in the other dataset "deathdataset" with words (death on arrival).

The issue I have is that the 2 datasets should combine using the same variable "mode_of_separation" . I have a data dictionary so I know what the string values of the variable in deathdataset should be.
Eg: "Dead on Arrival" in Deathdataset is equal to 8 on the masterdataset

Although there will be 2 new values that need to be added (hence, the append command).
"Death with Autopsy" = 14
"Death without Autopsy" = 15

Wondering if there is a simple way to fix this, so the 2 datasets can be -appended- and the error with the "mode_of_separation" variable fixed to be made to be consistent in a byte format?

Due to confidentiality of my data I will refrain from using Dataex

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.