I have an unbalanced panel data per Stata as seen here:
. //Setting panel variables . xtset household_key period panel variable: household_key (unbalanced) time variable: period, 1 to 34 delta: 1 unit . . xtdescribe household_key: 1, 2, ..., 2500 n = 2500 period: 1, 2, ..., 34 T = 34 Delta(period) = 1 unit Span(period) = 34 periods (household_key*period uniquely identifies each observation) Distribution of T_i: min 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% max 1 1 1 5 11 19 34 Freq. Percent Cum. | Pattern ---------------------------+------------------------------------ 916 36.64 36.64 | 1................................. 268 10.72 47.36 | 111............................... 223 8.92 56.28 | 11111............................. 211 8.44 64.72 | 1111111........................... 163 6.52 71.24 | 111111111......................... 157 6.28 77.52 | 11111111111....................... 123 4.92 82.44 | 1111111111111..................... 94 3.76 86.20 | 111111111111111................... 70 2.80 89.00 | 11111111111111111................. 275 11.00 100.00 | (other patterns) ---------------------------+------------------------------------ 2500 100.00 | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Just to be clear, the entire row vector is for each cross section over period T contains NO missing values, but the unbalancedness again comes from the fact that treatment durations are wildly different. So each household/cross-section is observed for a total of 720 days, but some have 3 periods due to receiving 2 treatments, Some have 4 periods due to receiving 3 treatments etc. I'd really appreciate any guidance.
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